TSG is committed to work ethically and providing quality services to our customers, and we are actively working to ensure that both we and our suppliers consider and take responsibility for the financial, environmental, and social impact of our activities on the world around us. Our Supplier Code of Conduct is a way for us to communicate our expectations on and aspirations for our suppliers and their processes, but also to encourage them to establish their own codes of conduct and sustainable practices.
For the purposes of this Code of Conduct, the term ’supplier’ refers not only to employees and directors of the supplier, but also to contractors, subcontractors, representatives, and partners.
Legal requirements
As a Supplier to TSG, you are expected to comply with all laws, rules, conventions, and regulations applicable to the industry – both nationally and internationally. In case the national legislation differs from other regulations, the national law should be given priority while respecting the others. When two sets of rules do not match, the one with higher requirements should apply.
Following the law is a minimum requirement for suppliers in this Supplier Code of Conduct, and any activity that generates better conditions for people involved in the suppliers’ value chain beyond this is appreciated and welcomed.
Business ethics
We require our suppliers to conduct their business by adopting the highest ethical standards for their operations.
Suppliers should:
- Avoid participating in or knowingly benefiting from any form of corruption, extortion, or bribery.
- Comply with applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, directives and regulations governing operations in the countries in which they operate.
- Comply with antitrust and other competition laws.
- Disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest for TSG.
- Comply with national and international trade laws that relate to business transactions with countries, companies, and individuals (sanctions), and the transfer of goods and services, software or technology between countries (export controls).
- Comply with data privacy laws and follow contractual requirements on information security.
Health and safety
We require our suppliers to provide a safe and healthy work environment.
Suppliers should:
- Develop and implement effective health and safety management systems with worker participation in safety committees.
- Ensure that safety management systems support identifying risks, measuring, and making. continuous improvements to reduce or minimize health and safety risks arising from operations.
- Ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and customer requirements.
- Ensure the protection of their staff by providing basic personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Provide training on health and safety systems.
- Allow workers to report unsafe practices without fear of negative consequences.
- Ensure that the workplace is equipped with the necessary fire protection. Ensure regular fire safety control procedures – alarms, extinguishing equipment, clearly marked emergency exits, evacuation drills, etc.
We ask our suppliers to strive to continuously improve the development of an environmentally sustainable transport system.
Suppliers should:
- Comply with all relevant local and national environmental laws and international standards.
- Obtain and maintain all necessary environmental permits, authorizations and registrations.
- Make environmental considerations a natural part of their daily work and planning.
- Be proactive and take initiatives to protect the environment from damage and destruction in relation to their activities.
- Ensure that the workplace is clean, properly lit, well-ventilated, and has regulation-compliant and acceptable noise levels. Workers should also be able to provide themselves with clean water, a clean surface for meals and hygienic toilets.
- If overnight stays at work are required, each worker has the right to a proper bed separate from other colleagues or superiors.
- Suppliers are also expected to ensure that everyone in the company is sober during working hours.
- Suppliers are expected to act and strive for safe chemical management, lower energy consumption, reduced emission values, and good waste management.
Working conditions & employment practices
We are committed to creating and maintaining a working environment where our employees are welcomed and treated with respect. We require our suppliers to also adopt and apply similar workplace practices.
- Suppliers shall ensure equal treatment and refrain from any form of discrimination.
- Suppliers shall commit to a workplace free from harassment, abuse, or other forms of psychological or physical threat.
- Suppliers shall comply with appropriate working time requirements including overtime, breaks and rest periods – in accordance with national legislation, relevant collective agreements, and international standards.
- All suppliers are expected to recognize, support, and comply with the UN Declaration on Human Rights. In the event of a violation of these, measures should be taken immediately to eliminate them.
- Workers at the supplier or, in its value chain should work of their own free will. Participating in, supporting, or not acting against human trafficking, forced or involuntary labour is not accepted.
- Work should be performed under regulated working hours with the right to remuneration for work done. Wages and conditions must be specified in the worker’s language, and comply with national legislation on minimum wages. The conditions must also comply with legislation on the worker’s right to paid leave, rest and sick and parental leave.
- The supplier shall not use, support or act through any form of child labour. The minimum age of employment shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and never less than 15 years.
- The supplier shall respect the right of people to participate and engage in trade union organizations or issues.
- All workers should have the right to report their concerns about compliance or non-compliance with laws, regulations, policies or governance documents without fear or anxiety
Business ethics and acting with integrity are of great importance to TSG. Sustainable business is achieved through honest dealings, and suppliers are expected to act ethically in all dealings.
Bribery or receipt of bribes
It is not acceptable to participate in any form of fraud or illegal remuneration business. Suppliers are not allowed to accept, give, promise or, request compensation or benefits beyond what has been officially agreed. Contracts shall be concluded in accordance with applicable law, and gestures or offers that may influence the supplier’s objectivity in decision-making are not supported.
A free and functioning market is a prerequisite for growth and development, and suppliers are expected to promote healthy competition and act in accordance with good market practice. Defamation, cartel activities or false comparisons with competitors are not accepted.
Conflict of interest
Suppliers are expected to work actively to prevent conflicts of interest and, if they arise, to act to eliminate them.
All cases of suspected or investigated corruption should be reported, documented and evaluated to avoid future corruption.